30 Day Plank Challenge for abs

30 Day Plank Challenge

Planks are one of the best ab exercises there are. Feel and see a difference in 30 days with this plank challenge! You will feel your core getting stronger, closer to achieving your personal goals just in time for swimsuit season!

  1. :30 Seconds
  2. :45 SecondsPlankHop3
  3. 1 Minute
  4. 1 Minute
  5. Rest
  6. 1:15
  7. 1:30
  8. 1:45
  9. 2:00 Minutes
  10. Rest
  11. 2:15
  12. 2:30
  13. 2:45
  14. 3:00 Minutes
  15. Rest
  16. 3 Minutes
  17. 3:15
  18. 3:30
  19. 4 Minutes
  20. 4 Minutes
  21. Rest
  22. 4:15
  23. 4:45
  24. 5 Minutes
  25. 5 Minutes
  26. Rest
  27. 5:30
  28. 5:45
  29. 5:45
  30. 6 Minutes!

The most time this challenge will take is 6 minutes out of your day. It is hard, it works your entire body, but the results are noticeable. This is a great lower belly workout. The more you challenge yourself the faster your results will come! So challenge yourself every day! Good luck!



Picture: bodyrock.tv- Zuzka!

5 responses to “30 Day Plank Challenge for abs

  1. Pingback: The plank challenge | Better Than Fine

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